Mantra Meditation & Sound Healing Journey

Many people say that meditation is hard. That they can't stop the constant stream of thoughts running in their heads. Perhaps they try to sit still and meditate and after a session or two they simply give up because they couldn't calm their minds and feel like meditation just isn't for them. I've been there too, but with mantra meditation we can overcome the challenge of the monkey mind by giving our minds something to focus on; the mantra.

Even people who have not meditated before state how easy and quickly mantra meditation can help them overcome their seemingly uncontrollable minds. They feel empowered that they now have a practice that helps them ground, center, and conquer the insanity of today's world with diligent poise.

The miraculous thing about mantra meditation is that its so easy that anyone can do it. Young, old, and everyone in between. No experience necessary. Just an inkling, a yearning of the heart is needed, a simple desire for peace and love and you too can experience a deeper expansion of the heart and illumination of the mind.


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 The Experience

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਸਿਮਰਨੁ ਸਭ ਤੇ ਊਚਾ ॥

Out of all of the spiritual deeds, keeping the Creator in one’s mind and contemplating Him is of the highest order.

— Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji


"It felt easier and more powerful to be meditating with a group of people." - Martha

“This is the first time meditating. Never ever have I done something like this. When we were doing the meditation it felt like my heart was a flower.  I could feel the flower opening and blooming.  Thank you.” - Maria

“A wave of energy and emotion came over me.  I was able to connect to my heart in a profound way.  Thank you so much.” - Ariel

"I could hear all the individuals mesh together and it was amazing, beautiful, and I've never experienced something like that. When we finished I felt blissed out and I am still in it. I feel high.” - Beau

“I was so grateful for the practice.  It took me to a place with my parents.  I had tears running down my face and it was just an amazing feeling.” - Florida

“In the beginning I felt distracted thinking about all the other people, but by 5 to 10 minutes in I felt a unity and connection to everybody.  And just as you said, all the chakras I could feel them vibrating up and down and it was pretty amazing.” - Dimitri 

Upcoming Events

Join us at our next in person event and experience the power of shabad simran (mantra meditation) for yourself.

  • Meetup

    Join our Meetup group to learn about monthly meetups and special events in Santa Barbara, CA.

  • Eventbrite

    RSVP for free to our Online and In-person events in and around the Santa Barbara, CA area.

ਜੋ ਜੈਸੀ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਮਿਲੈ ਸੋ ਤੈਸੋ ਫਲੁ ਖਾਇ ॥

According to the company one keeps, so are the fruits it eats.

— Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji